Bruno Gasser

Beratung und Therapie


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Ultimately it is your brainwaves which are responsible for your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and actions. These waves can also be influenced by certain light and sound frequencies. From relaxing to invigorating.

With AudioVisual Stimulation, also known as AVS or "Mind Machines", you can experience different states of consciousness. Special pulses of light and sound signals stimulate the central nervous system. AVS has a positive overall effect on the brain, especially EEG activity, limbic system, production of neurotransmitters and cerebral blood flow.

Who uses AVS? Sports psychologists, athletes, students, managers and senior citizens. The reason: AVS helps with anxiety and attention problems, insomnia, mood swings, ADHD, stress, pain, tinnitus, migraine and other symptoms. In addition, AVS supports rehabilitation.

The effectiveness and efficiency of AVS have vastly been researched and documented by scientific and clinical studies.